The School Leadership Team (SLT) is a collaborative group of parents, teachers, staff, and our Principal that is mandated by State Law to represent all the various constituencies of the school.

The SLT meets monthly to discuss issues that affect our community, such as instruction matters, communications issues, how well our community is functioning, and other school-wide questions.

The SLT works with the principal to write our annual Comprehensive Education Plan.  The SLT also serves as a meeting ground for teachers, parents, staff, and the principal to sit together and wrestle as a group with that year's key concerns in education and other school-wide policy issues.

The SLT has a box in the lobby for suggestions, comments, and questions.

SLT Members


Staff Members
Mary Jacob-Alex, Principal
Kelly Newman, Assistant Principal
Elizabeth Rodriguez, Guidance Counselor
Norma Santaliz, Parent Coordinator
Sara Irizarry, Paraprofessional
Leigh Milazzo, UFT Rep and 5th Grade Teacher
Russell Fox, Physical Education Teacher

Parent Members
Shakeia McPherson, Co-PTA President
Nawal Kramer, Parent
Shannon O'Leary, Parent
Heather Pajak, Parent
Stephanie Pizzuto, Parent

MINUTES 2023-2024

Role Assignments:
Principal - Mrs. Jacob Alex
Chairperson (Staff Member) - Ms. Newman
Financial Liaison (Staff Member) - Mrs. Irizarry
Secretary  (Staff Member) - Mrs. Milazzo
Timekeeper (Staff Member) - Mr. Fox

All meetings will be held virtually until further notice. On the meeting day, the dial-in number will be emailed to members.

Meeting Dates

  • September 27, 2023
  • October 25, 2023
  • November 29, 2023
  • December 20, 2023
  • January 31, 2024
  • February 28, 2024
  • March 27, 2023
  • April 17, 2024
  • May 29, 2024
  • June 12, 2024


SLT Information

Members and Elections

Members serve a two-year term. Teachers elect the teacher members. Parents elect parent members during yearly PTA elections.  The team must have an equal number of staff and parent members. The number of seats on the SLT varies from year to year.  This year, our team has 14 members. The school Principal, United Federation of Teachers chapter leader, and the PTA President are required to serve on the SLT.



The SLT meets monthly and provides an update at each PTA meeting.  Meeting dates are posted on our school website calendar at the beginning of the school year.  Minutes are kept on file with the Principal. Parents or guardians interested in suggesting a topic for the agenda should email Mrs. Jacob Alex.  Meetings follow the New York State Open Meetings Law and are open to the public.  If you would like to observe a meeting, please email Mrs. Jacob Alex to join.